I just wanted to thank Jenne for sending around some pictures that were real eye openers. I wish I could go to Arizona and actually see this for my self, but these are just outrageous!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Arizona and Immigration... again.
Posted by Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: aliens, arizona, Illegals, immigration, mexicans
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
In an article by Rob Kampia on alternet.org, he throws out some numbers. I am not exactly sure where he got them, but they make sense. Correct that, Rob is quoting a Jon Gettman, Ph.D. He said that taxpayers are spending approximately $42 billion per year on the war on pot (maryjane). That would be $10.7 billion on direct law enforcement costs and a whopping $31 billion in lost tax revenue. In 2006 alone, the FBI made a total of 829,627 marijuana related arrests. So, that is $42 billion, that the nation spends trying to track down, catch and "change" their ways, every Cheech and Chong that lights up a doobie. I think our money can be spent better in other areas of the country. http://www.alternet.org/drugs/64465/
Posted by Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson at 10:53 PM 1 comments
Arizona Immigration Law
In an article about the immigration policies of the State of Arizona, Jonathan J. Cooper for the Associated Press, writes the emotions and ideas of several police units across the US. Police Chief Thomas Manger of Montgomery County, MD, says,"If they're not committing a crime here, frankly, I'm not sure how it enhances public safety to target those people for removal,". What the heck. They are committing a crime just by being here. The crime here is not being Mexican, it is having entered a country without going through the proper channels.
To the illegal immigrant; What makes you better than Jose Miguels, who waiting the necessary time to get his paperwork in order and enter legally? Are your needs more pressing than his? Personally, I think it to be a selfish act to enter illegally. You are making it harder on your fellow Hispanics who ARE here legally. This law is not the white man against the brown. Do not turn this into a racial thing! It is not. There are a certain group of people who are entering ILLEGALLY. ILLEGALLY. Did I stress that word enough? They will be targeted. If the lawful legal Hispanic citizens don't want to be asked to see their proof of residency, then how about you turn to your countrymen and say,"Oye! Que estas haciendo!" Tell them to go through the legal channels and stop causing them problems!
Here is a picture found off of Yahoo! News:
Good for you ma'am. Don't run, just show your papers. If you are illegal, oops, there's that word again, you will go back to where you came from. I like what Mark Spencer (president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association) says: "Crime is not based upon skin color, it's based upon conduct," That is 100% correct. Here is the link to this story. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_immigration_cops_divided
Posted by Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson at 10:43 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Family Watchdog
Here you go guys, most of you already know of this site but for those of you who don't, here it is:
Get on it and look up your area and be aware. Thanks.
Posted by Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson at 12:33 AM 1 comments
2nd Amendment
Don't ever take away our guns. This is our right as citizens, to protect ourselves and our families. Yes, the police are here to protect us and keep the peace, but they are not with us at all times. We need to be able to protect ourselves and pepper spray ain't going to cut it. Home defense. Everyone should have it. Have you seen John Albert Gardner III? The monster that raped and murdered two teenage girls, then attacked a jogger. Don't tell me a bit of pepper spray in the eyes will stop someone as determined as he was. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/05/14/california.gardner.sentencing/index.html?hpt=T2
Posted by Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson at 12:26 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
California gun laws and our 2nd Amendment
California law makers cannot take away our 2nd Amendment. But, they can restrict the heck out of it. What these law makers do, is make rules so strict that gun manufacturers don't bother making California compliant weapons. Why would they change their whole line of weapons to satisfy California, one state of 50? Here is just one example of their restrictions:
SB 489 (Stats. 2003, ch.500) (Scott) (2003 bill - Provisions are operative beginning 1/1/2006) Requires that effective January 1, 2006, no semiautomatic centerfire pistol model may be added to the roster of handguns certified for sale in California unless it has a chamber load indicator or, if it has a detachable magazine, a magazine disconnect mechanism...http://ag.ca.gov/firearms/infobuls/0602.pdf#xml=http://search.doj.ca.gov:8004/AGSearch/isysquery/01695434-fc7b-4c5c-94db-3df1eb38accc/1/hilite/
What the heck!? This is asinine! There is no reason at all to require guns to have a magazine disconnect (meaning the gun will not fire the remaining round in the chamber with the magazine released)! Say you are in a struggle with a perpetrator, he releases the magazine on your gun but because your gun is "California legal", you cannot fire the last round in your gun and you are left to club your attacker. It just doesn't make sense. The only reason for this law is to make it harder for guns to be sold in California.
Posted by Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson at 11:49 PM 4 comments
Arizona Law
Posted by Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson at 11:37 PM 0 comments